5 Replies to “Being Funny. And T.”

  1. I love Riftgirl! I read through all her archives, too, she’s great! She’s had a terrible time dating, though, it’s heartbreaking. Too many lying married men and T-chasers. She needs a dating reality show! =D

  2. I know there’s alot of pain and tragity surrounding the whole T subject, but I’ll tell you there are many times there is simply no better medicine than to be able to see the humor and laugh at your whole lot in this stuff. Healthy, yes it is……..


  3. Thanks for the reference. I went to her YouTube channel and watched ALL of her videos! She’s wonderful – funny, thoughtful, touching. I’m a subscriber now.


  4. Calpernia…. wow… It is so true the real humor is based on truth and sometimes tragedy..

    Bravo Calpernia

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