Can’t Afford Kids

Dubya & Co. have been in power long enough to pretty much devastate the economy, and in response, women are reporting that they had abortions in the past year precisely because of the bad economy. Women, being imminently practical, and carrying the burden of most childcare, and being the first and hardest hit by dropping wages, can’t afford to have their babies.

An interesting dilemma for Republicans, no?  So if you want to prevent abortions, maybe it would be a good idea to quit funding tax cuts for the rich.

(via Feministing)

3 Replies to “Can’t Afford Kids”

  1. THANK GOD that fucktard Bush and all his evil cronies will be gone soon.

    The mess they’ll leave behind will last for several generations.

  2. Keep an eye on Kucinich…he may be out of the running, but his recent speech on the House floor very pointedly spelled out how the last eight years have been for the benefit of four oil companies ( ). The economy has not even been on the current administration’s “to do” list, and look where that has brought us. Also note the story on the same ABC news site about the increase in teen girls’ suicides (

    The other reason I bring up Kucinich is because of his recent articles of impeachment. You see, even if there never are impeachment proceedings due to running out of time, if the process of starting the process of impeachment hearings has begun, no presidential pardons are allowed since they’d interfere with the investigative processes…

  3. I”m actually kind of irritated by this article. It’s arrogant. Was this a scientific poll of all women who had abortions last year? It just kinda smells funny to me. no need to make stuff up to prove this particular point.

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