
i’ve had a sinus headache for the past few days, one that comes back full force as soon as the 6 hours of advil runs out, and/or when the decongestant i’ve taken runs out.

if i haven’t taken both, i can still feel the pressure – at the back of my head, on my cheekbones, under my eyebrows, in my upper teeth. (i only feel it in my upper teeth when they’re really bad.)

i’m smoking a quarter what i used to, i switched to bone earrings (instead of metal, which conduct cold more easily), & wear a hat every day. a big one with ear muffs, even. & i snort hot water, take zyrtec… you name it. but still, this fucking headache.

i think it means there’s one hell of a storm coming on here, or maybe not. i tend to get them when a storm is incoming (betty gets the headaches as they’re leaving).

so if i seem particularly cranky lately, that may be it.

that, & the first paid work i’ve ever done where i thought i was appreciated for the full measure of my talents AND was paid enough to live on is ending.

jeez louise. in like a lion all right. i keep trying to catch sight of the lamb.

7 Replies to “worst.sinus.migraine.ever.”

  1. i hope your head feels better by the time you read this. and perhaps this crankiness is a positive thing, in that it means you’ve found the direction for your life – academica! if you want help brainstorming your new career, give me a shout.


  2. If the migraines persist, I suggest a prescription for “Relpax”. It is not an OTC drug. A doctor needs to prescribe it.

    But it really works…. and fast.

    Helen, hope your head feels better soon.

  3. Wear a scarf all of the time too. Tense muscles in the front of your neck might be causing referred pain in the areas you described. You can try rubbing the front of your neck (one side at a time — or you could pass out!), or applying heat (like a wet nuked rag) to it to loosen them up. And no reading in bed with your head turned funny. S’bad.

    Anyways, glad you’re feeling somewhat better. It’s the cold, dude. It’s nasty stuff.

  4. Helen:

    Why not try a massage and steam? That might really make you feel better…

  5. Well you looked good on Thursday. I sure hope the sickness is leaving your body by now.
    Your a great teacher. I think this could be your new profession.
    The weather is calling for 40’s and 50’s next week. I sure hope the sun shines on you here in Wisconsin.
    Hang in there.

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