You're a Bigger One

From a book called The Forty-Nine Percent Majority: The Male Sex Role:

“Hawks” on the issue of war are considered more masculine than “doves;” when Senator Goodell changed his position from supporter of Vietnam to critic, Spiro Agnew christened him the “Christine Jorgensen of the Republican Party.”

He is explaining how the four ‘commandments’ of masculinity make up ways to be considered masculine if you’re a man, and they include: 1) No Sissy Stuff; 2) The Big Wheel; 3) The Sturdy Oak; and 4) Give ‘Em Hell. He talks about the way masculinity’s requirements gets more flexible into adulthood because having high status can eliminate or less the need for physical power and aggressiveness, which are required for adolescents who don’t have as much access to status and accomplishment yet. Then he goes on to clarify:

But one rule has not changed appreciably: the old first commandment of No Sissy Stuff! remains intact, with almost all the force it possessed in the testing period of adolescence.