Oops, They Did It Again…

More than a year ago now, SAMHSA asked a few therapists – including Reid Vanderbergh – to change the terminology of a workshop title – to a title that left off the LGBT altogether.
This year – as if to celebrate the anniversary of that fiasco – they’ve magically removed information geared toward LGBT people.
You can write Rep. Tammy Baldwin(D-Wis.), who has called for an investigation into the matter, to give her more reasons the LGBT information should be returned to the website. (Please don’t do so by coming off like a crazed loon, however.)
Received via Reid, via Smart Brief:

The federal government has removed information geared toward the LGBT population from its Substance Abuse & Mental Services Administration Web site. The move follows a letter to the government protesting the presence of that information, but the government says the information was scheduled to be removed anyway; Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., is calling for an investigation into the matter.