Five Questions With… in 2006

I’m going to be slowing down how often I post a ‘Five Questions With…’ interview in 2006, mostly because it’s a pretty time-intensive process, and I’m writing a lot now, and will be ramping up how much time I spend working on the new book shortly. Okay, and because I’d rather space it out then have big blocks of time when I don’t run any.
So I won’t press to run one every Wednesday as I have been, but I will post the ones I do on Wednesdays.
Still, there will be 22 posted for 2005, which is an average of about four a month.
If you have any suggestions for people I should interview, you can post your idea in this thread, which is also a good place to discuss the interviews.
I am also hoping to have some news about the new book this coming Wednesday, fingers crossed.