Federal DOMA Section Declared Unconstitutional

Good news, in a states’ rights kind of way:

BOSTON (AP) — A U.S. judge in Boston has ruled that a federal gay marriage ban is unconstitutional because it interferes with the right of a state to define marriage.

U.S. District Judge Joseph Tauro on Thursday ruled in favor of gay couples’ rights in two separate challenges to the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, known as DOMA…. Tauro agreed, and said the act forces Massachusetts to discriminate against its own citizens.

“The federal government, by enacting and enforcing DOMA, plainly encroaches upon the firmly entrenched province of the state, and in doing so, offends the Tenth Amendment. For that reason, the statute is invalid,” Tauro wrote in a ruling in a lawsuit filed by Attorney General Martha Coakley.

This Just In: Women Like Sex

It’s probably not news for women between the ages of 27 & 45, but a new study shows we like sex more often than at other ages. The only sucky bit is that they felt the need to tie it to reproduction, which I think is bullshit (like most evolutionary psychology), and the evidence doesn’t point that way:

Compared to older or younger women, RE women are more willing to engage in sex after knowing a partner for either one month, one week or one evening. Controlling for the number of children the women had, or whether they consciously desired to have a child, did not change the results.

Obviously if it were about “expedited reproduction” – women willing to have sex to get pregnant – then women who’ve already had a child, or children, wouldn’t be part of this group, right? They’ve have scratched the itch these researchers say is engendering the more sexual behavior. I’d suggest, instead, that being on the descending side of the estrogen slide probably has more to do with it; if there’s anything testosterone is sure to do, it’s increase libido. & Maybe, who knows? It just takes women a while to figure out how to have (maybe even multiple) orgasms.

Can I just say that I find it depressing, if not hysterical, when researchers have to find out why women like sex? Do we ever ask that about men? People who like sex like sex because it feels fantastic, relieves stress, helps you feel good about yourself, exorcises demons – any or all of the above. It’s got beans to do with babies.

Wife of Trans Blog

Here’s another trans couple, but this one a trans woman and her wife of 41 years. The wife, Jonni, keeps a blog on what it’s like to be married to a trans female spouse (who was her husband for many years before transition).

I’m always so pleased when I see new spouses’ experiences.

Trans Couple Profiled by SF Gate

Wow. A trans-trans couple profiled by SF Gate, and they’re both hotties.

During the next five years, the two developed a “conscious relationship” where they truly got to know each other. Sean, who was recently lauded by Dance magazine as “one to watch,” says that as working artists they gave a lot of thought to the possible ramifications of moving in together. Five years in, they joined households. A “no drama, no trauma” philosophy keeps their relationship fresh and their work lives productive.

“We are constantly working on ourselves,” Shawna says, “and we have developed good relationship tools.”

Both transgender, they say sharing that experience makes their bond tighter. “We understand where each of us is coming from,” Sean says.

In addition to their individual artistic pursuits, both run nonprofits. Sean is artistic director of Fresh Meat Productions, a grassroots arts organization for transgender artists, while Shawna presents Trannyfest, the nation’s first transgender film festival.

“The numerical odds were against us,” Shawna says. “I just didn’t think I would find a partner, let alone one that shares my passion for art and activism and spirituality.”

Congrats to them both. Stories like theirs make me happy.

Trans Exhibit Takes OutHistory.org’s 1st Place

OutHistory.org announced the winners of its “Since Stonewall Local Histories Contest” on Monday, June 28, exactly 41 years after Stonewall and 1st place went to a trans oriented exhibit.

1st – “Man-i-fest: FTM Mentorship in San Francisco from 1976 – 2009,” created by Meghan Rohrer, documents Lou Sullivan’s transition from female to male over the course of thirty years, with evidence drawn from Sullivans’ photos and letters, as well as video footage of interviews he did with the mainstream and community press, and medical professionals. D’Emilio and Meyer praised “the exhibit’s attention to the less studied FTM transition,” and noted “the critical role of mentors in these transitions is remarkable.”

Continue reading “Trans Exhibit Takes OutHistory.org’s 1st Place”

Happy Birthday Deborah Harry

Debbie Harry turns 65 today. This is her at 63:

May we all look so good – and point out bullshit as clearly – as we enter our 6th decade.

(h/t to Lena)

Breeding Out Tomboys

So what do you call it when a female doctor walks into a gene lab & doses all the pregnant mothers with a drug to prevent their daughters from wanting to work in “masculine” careers? Hypocrisy? Insanity? Female chauvinism? Pulling up the ladder under you?

I call it bullshit, but it’s happening. Dr. Maria New, an endocrinologist, is trying to prevent CAH in female infants, but as it turns out, the drug that prevents this masculinizing intersex condition in XX infants seems also seems to decrease incidents of lesbianism and bisexuality while simultaneously decreasing girls’ other “natural” impulses like playing with dolls and fantasizing about pregnancy and childbirth.

(Do little girls fantasize about pregnancy & childbirth? I had no idea. I never did, and I did play with dolls.)

From an article by Alice Dreger and two colleagues:

And it isn’t just that many women with CAH have a lower interest, compared to other women, in having sex with men. In another paper entitled “What Causes Low Rates of Child-Bearing in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia?” Meyer-Bahlburg writes that “CAH women as a group have a lower interest than controls in getting married and performing the traditional child-care/housewife role. As children, they show an unusually low interest in engaging in maternal play with baby dolls, and their interest in caring for infants, the frequency of daydreams or fantasies of pregnancy and motherhood, or the expressed wish of experiencing pregnancy and having children of their own appear to be relatively low in all age groups.”

In the same article, Meyer-Bahlburg suggests that treatments with prenatal dexamethasone might cause these girls’ behavior to be closer to the expectation of heterosexual norms: “Long term follow-up studies of the behavioral outcome will show whether dexamethasone treatment also prevents the effects of prenatal androgens on brain and behavior.”

In a paper published just this year in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, New and her colleague, pediatric endocrinologist Saroj Nimkarn of Weill Cornell Medical College, go further, constructing low interest in babies and men – and even interest in what they consider to be men’s occupations and games – as “abnormal,” and potentially preventable with prenatal dex:

So dex might have prevented Dr. Maria New, which right about now looks like it would have been a good idea.

I’d also like to point out right about here that, for the record, for all the people who pooh-pooh non-trans, gender variant women when we talk about being “third sexed” along with trans women, that it looks like us dykey, tomboy, uppity types are the first on the chopping block.

Still & all, Dan Savage asks an important question:

Gay people have been stressing out about the day arriving when scientists developed treatments to prevent homosexuality . . . Well, here we are—the day appears to have arrived. Now what are we going to do about it?

So what are we going to do about it?