First Blurb

The very first blurb for my book is in, written by the talented Jennifer Finney Boylan:

“Like a tightrope walker, Helen Boyd performs several amazing feats simultaneously in her impressive book, She’s Not the Man I Married. She provides a postmodern reflection on transness; she writes a feminist critique of gender and culture. Above all, she gives her readers a sense of the deep love she shares with her husband Betty, a love we see in all its complex, messy wonder. Through its author’s honest, lucid prose, She’s Not the Man I Married is brilliant, unsettling, and sweet.”

Jennifer Finney Boylan, author of She’s Not There

Two New Book Reviews

I added two new book reviews to this site today, both about books I read this summer and was providing blurbs for. Neither are out yet, but they both have links on now, so I thought I’d add them to my list of gender/trans books.

I’ve also put them in our Reader’s Chair Forum so that those who want to discuss them can do so (obviously, that might take a while, but I’ll try to remember to bump both threads when they do actually come out).

Meme of Fours

A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
baker’s assistant, writing tutor, NYPIRG canvasser, professional assistant
B) 4 movies I would watch over and over:
Raiders of the Lost Ark, A Room With a View, Sherlock Jr., and the last one I’m leaving blank because I really don’t like movies very much.
C) Three places I have lived:
Brooklyn, NY – Manhattan, NY – San Francisco, CA
D) Four TV shows I love to watch:
The Twilight Zone, House, Gilmore Girls, Frasier
E) Four places I have been on vacation
Paris & London, Singapore, Burma, New Orleans
F) Favorite foods:
stuffed cabbage, chocolate cake, spaghetti (in nearly any form, but especially in white clam sauce, cinnamon toast
G) Four websites you visit daily
wiki, amazon, the animal rescue site,
H) Four places I would like to be right now:
Mandalay, the house we went to this past Labor Day weekend, in bed, Hawaii

In Res Mortua

You Will Die at Age 76
You’re pretty average when it comes to how you live…
And how you’ll die as well.

I don’t usually take these, but this one I find nearly useful. You know, so I can schedule stuff I want to get in before my expected end. Granted, I could be surprised either way, but having at least an estimate works for a control freak like me.


Birth control pill prices just shot up, and clinics have effectively been punched in the stomach by it.

To absorb the higher prices, public clinics are contemplating cutting other services, reducing the hours they’re open, or closing some locations. Some clinics are finding that generic substitutes are difficult to afford. Prices for generic birth control pills vary widely, but many seem to cost between $5 and $18 dollars a pack—not bad compared with retail prices, but far more than clinics were accustomed to paying for Ortho. Some clinics say they will have to stop offering certain classes of birth control pills altogether. This is a problem since women respond differently to different hormonal formulations: One kind of pill may cause breakthrough bleeding, bloating, or moodiness, while another causes no side effects.

Thanks to Slate and Feministing.

Deep Stealth: Coming Out DVD #2

I just received the DVD version of an interview I did with Andrea James for Deep Stealth’s Coming Out DVD series. As it turns out, they focused the interview and the entire 2nd DVD on that intereview, where I discuss things like negotiating and community, romance and sexuality, therapy, dealing with friends, identity, change. It’s a pretty great interview if I say so myself – even at the time I did it I felt it was one of the best I’ve given. Andrea James’ questions were thoughtful, which certainly helped me be at my best.
When you order it, do let them know I sent you!
As it turns out, Coming Out Disc 2: Relationships is actually for sale now, too, at the Deep Stealth website store.