16 Replies to “Round 2”

  1. In the conversation about Afghanistan, McCain talked about how we “chased out the Russians by supporting the Afghan freedom fighters”. Anyone here recall the name of that wealthy young Saudi Sheik who was so heroic in the struggle…? Osama….something.

    McCain seemed to just be saying any fucking thing that popped into his head between attacks on his opponent and saying “my friends” over and over and over and over…..

    He’s not as all Mavericky as he may think.

    Obama made his stand on Health Care,finally..laid out some vision: thank you.

    Andrew fucking Sullivan said this: “This was, I think, a mauling: a devastating and possibly electorally fatal debate for McCain. Even on Russia, he sounded a little out of it.”

    The winnah? “That one”

  2. The way Mc Cain was wandering around aimlessly, grimacinglike he had gas, & was continually saying “my friends,” he reminded me of someone’s deranged uncle, rather than a presidential candidate.

  3. “I think Obama won, & spent the debate tweeting. You?”

    I think he won, but he doesn’t appear to have tweeted turing the debate.

  4. I observe that it is all but over – but I wouldn’t convene the transition team (no pun intended) just yet. David Gergen observed last night on Anderson Cooper’s 360 that, “we shouldn’t underestimate that Senator Obama is black.” To my ears it was certainly a jarring statement, Gergen meant it thus. His statement of course goes to the largely unresolved issue of race in America. He noted that, “Senator Obama’s race could account for as much as a six point erosion in his poll numbers in some battleground states currently tilting Obama”. In the privacy of the voting booth how many will vote what is clearly best for our country and leave their latent racism in their pockets?

  5. I find the lack of intellectual curiousity of “mah fellow ‘mericans” frustrating and appalling. The entire Reagan notion of “trickle down”/supply side Voodoo economics(so named by Dubya’s father) is now lying in a heap of charred credit default swaps(look it up).
    Either that, or the last years have just left most of the country even poorer and dumber than I thought; like Renee’ and David Gergen(a guy I respect) I’m afraid the “othering” of Obama by Palin and her neo-racist attack dogs may be a factor.

  6. Darya, that’s the whole thing, isn’t it? In an economic crisis, the whole “trickle down” vs. “priming the pump” theories are what these parties historically stand for. Well trickle down hasn’t been working (I’d argue it never does), & when people are fed up, & the economy is crashing, it’s time to elect a republican who will prime the pump so people don’t lose their homes / jobs / starve.

    But then McCain stands up & says the US Govt should buy the mortgages. Hello? Has he talked to his buddy Phil Gramm about that, or are they now in the “promise them anything” phase? Because that’s not trickle down – that’s socialism.

  7. Helen, the truth, and all the economists know it, is to nationalize the banks, albeit temporarily. Just as pure Communism failed, so has “pure” Capitalism. Here’s the kicker: Buying the bad mortgages gets the banks off the hook and sticks us suckers with a lot of worthless crap. The other option called something like Capital/Stock injection means that we buy up shares in the banks that hold the bad debt and can hold them accountable;socialist, yes, but better as a capital investment for the US taxpayer.
    McCain’s way just lets the scoundrels off the hook so that they are free to steal again.

    Regulation is not onerous, as these crybabies have us think. Casinos are far better regulated than the OTC default swaps that started this mess.

    PS..This American Life(on NPR..www.thisamericanlife.com has an astonishing radio piece on this.

  8. Sorry guys. His skin color is irrelevant to the argument. He’s losing support because he’s socialist, patently disingenuous, smug, smarmy, arrogant and a fascist to boot.

    None of this has anything to do with the melanin content of his skin. The only people who are concerned about his race (other than a few neanderthals) are the Democrats who are trying to guilt trip whites into supporting the man.

  9. “He’s losing support because he’s socialist, patently disingenuous, smug, smarmy, arrogant and a fascist to boot.”

    Socialist *and* fascist. That’s a neat trick. Feel free to provide evidence to back up your opinion.

    Oh, and I think that’s *gaining* support, not losing. 🙂

  10. Chritenesus,

    Just how is Obama “losing support?” Every poll I’m looking at – see pollster.com for an aggregate – shows him gaining.

    Pray tell.

  11. christinesus,

    Not my sandbox, but your comments are offensive. I second Ms Crow’s suggestion, got proof to support your incendiary comments – than bring it. As for the rest of it – you can stow that in your ditty bag. This former republican (now locally involved democrat) is voting for Obama because he is, measured by nearly every national poll, the best man for the job.

    Yep, you betcha!

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