Give ‘Em Hell, Hillbillies

Damn, they’re honking to impeach Bush in Kentucky. Kentucky, folks: a red state through & through.

As Jim Pierce of The Hillbilly Report pointed out:

“Mark Twain is reported to have said that ‘when the end of the world comes I want to be in Kentucky, because there it will come 20 years later.’

If that is true George W. Bush should have been impeached several years ago . . . I suggest when Kentucky is ready to impeach George W. Bush and ‘Shotgun’ Dick Cheney, the Bush Administration is in real trouble.”

Not Queer Enough

There’s an event happening in San Francisco (of course) called “Not Queer Enough” on June 27th. Among the speakers are people like Max Wolf Valerio & Julia Serano.

I wish I could be there.

My own feelings of being “not queer enough” I’ve mentioned at various times, usually when I’ve felt shunned at an event or gathering, or been made to feel otherwise square for being married or monogamous or heterosexual. Shoot, I’ve felt “not feminist enough” for being heterosexual & married, too.

& I’m very very certain that plenty of trans people feel “not trans enough.”

But not queer enough? What defines someone as queer? Their politics? Being visibly queer? Their worldview? Their haircut? Who they have sex with?

I don’t know. But I’d like to be in San Francisco that night to hear other people talk about their experiences.

Info about the event below the break.

Continue reading “Not Queer Enough”

Place in the Country

I’m traveling back from upstate New York today, having gone to a good friend’s surprise birthday dinner and of course having visited with Betty where she’s been staying and working.

Sadly, she doesn’t get to come back with me.

But this life in the country is very, very tempting, even if it took a friend of ours three hours to track down some leg wax up here. Either that or I’m going to end up getting rid of most of our stuff when I get back to our apartment. Who knows? After three months in Wisconsin I may desperately need the city.

Raised by Ants

While I was poking around project playlist last week in order to bring you a few of my favorite inspiring tracks, I found a reference to some gender-bending of the 80s. A b-side of a Dead or Alive single I don’t care about (although of course Pete Burns is still around & doing hir thing), but the other b-side mentioned was “Greta X” by Adam Ant. The song was written in the late 70s but only produced/released in the mid 80s, and it’s about crossdressing:

I’m a joyous glad TV
Why don’t you come TV with me?
I know a girl who loves to dress me
Up like this and then caress me
To remind me of the way
I used to go both night and day
In femininity there’s pride
We’ll marry soon, I’ll be the bride

& People wonder how I wound up this way, listening to such things at the tender age of 15!

& Yes, I have wondered if Adam’s a CD. I doubt it – he wrote songs about people into rubber and BDSM, too. (Though of course he could be into those things, as well, as far as I know; Amanda Donohue knows for sure but I bet she’s not talking.)

Trans Couples: Mark and Violet

I was like an addict trying desperately to find love, or even the perfect relationship. But I always fell short and was disappointed. Little did I know it was never the relationship; it was the image in the mirror that made no sense. I was the one that needed to change. I was lost, I felt broken, it wasn’t until I was 38 years old when my life finally took a right turn. I met the most amazing female. She was different, not like the other girls I had known. She was special, something about her allowed me to be myself. She was straight and had lived with men all her life. Yet, she was curious about girls, having had a few encounters in the past, but nothing too serious. Continue reading “Trans Couples: Mark and Violet”


Aeneas, looking groggy, since I woke him up, yet again, with the flash.

A very happy birthday (tomorrow) to my sister Jeanne, too. We’ll be away for the weekend; or rather, I’ll be joining Betty upstate where she’s been working this week.

I’ll be back Monday, but do stay tuned as tomorrow is the next installment in the Trans Couples series.

Control Freak

I decided recently that Law & Order is satisfying in some deep, weird way: like it’s evidence that there’s order in the world even when you don’t have any sense of it in your own.

I was never ever interested in these shows until after I developed PTSD, which is why my conclusion. Some nights I can’t take watching, but I watch anyway; it feels nearly compulsive, good & bad for me at the same time. Good because there is always something satisfying about plot-driven procedurals and bad because it’s a reminder of all the ways you can die.

Borders in Albany

Here are a couple of photos from the Borders reading up in Albany:

<<< the first of me with a nice display of She’s Not the Man I Married

& the second of us with a bunch >> of friends (& a Harry Potter poster): from left to right: Betty, me, Hawk Stone, Tristan, & Colten.