10 Days, 10 Reasons

betty cast

I had the fantastic opportunity to listen in on a conference call from Obama Pride that was specifically about & for the trans community. Wow. It is so astonishing to hear people from so many states talk about what they’re doing in their own states, and what challenges we face. With Betty’s foot broken, I’m not sure we’ll get to canvas as much as I’d like, so in addition, I’ve decided to use a bunch of what I learned during that call to give you 10 reasons, in these last 10 days, to vote for Obama.

Thanks to Tobias Wolff and Marsha Botzer for hosting it.

Reason #10: Vote for Obama because the people of Omaha, Nebraska – that red state in a swath of red states – are trying to turn their district blue for the first time since 1964. Go Omaha! Gobama! Nebraska is only one of two states that allocates electoral votes by congressional district (the other is Maine), which is what makes this effort important.

4 Replies to “10 Days, 10 Reasons”

  1. Obama is visiting us today! He is really pushing to win Colorado. It sounds like it will be a crazy rally and will be difficult to get into, yet, I feel compelled to try, just to see the hoopla if nothing else.

    Thanks to Colorado’s early voting system, my vote for Obama is already tallied!


  2. Sure “Betty” broker her foot. We all know that you broke it and wrote Obama on it, just to make sure she’d turn out on nov. 4th.

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