A very happy birthday to my pops, who turns 80 today! 80! & Do you know, at his last checkup, the doctor informed him that 50% of men are dead by their 79th birthday? What kind of nutty thing is that to tell a person?

The secret to his longevity: he doesn’t stress much. & Hot dogs.

PA Writing

I recently read two books that took place in PA, one fiction, the other non-fiction. Baker Towers is the story of a Polish-Italian PA family, which was intriguing since I’m from a Polish-Italian family (except in my family the husband was the Italian, not the wife, & they met in Brooklyn, not PA). I found it lacking because there were historical inaccuracies – there were no Magic Markers during WWII, women used eyeliner to draw their stockings’ seams, – and because the writing was competent, but not interesting, and the characters were so arm’s-distanced that it was hard to feel for them.

The other, called The Day the Earth Caved In, was about the Centralia mine fire, & while it was good, it was – also kind of dully told.

You’d think a mine fire – and a mine disaster – would be easy to make interesting. Maybe there’s something about writing about PA that people feel they can’t be a little flash when they write.

& I say all that because I’ve written two novels (as yet unpublished) that deal, to a large or small degree, with PA, and with coal towns, and even with WWII. Jennifer Finney Boylan tells me there is a whole literature surrounding the Centralia mine fire these days, and that Harper’s Magazine even did an article about it. (Ms. Boylan has also written two books, The Planets, and The Constellations, that take place in PA, & involve mine fires).

I feel sometimes like a reverse snob; I don’t care for literary writers much, except when they’re very very good (like Tolstoy, like Calvino). I’d like to be a writer who sells books. Honestly, trying to be literary probably set my writing back quite a few years. I look back at some of the stories I wrote before college & they have clearer voices than some later stories (but, like most juvenilia, they have almost no authority to them.)

Anyway. I think Twain said once, never let literature get in the way of your writing. Or something similar.

holy crap.

Her lawsuit against Day is now on appeal to the Georgia Supreme Court, in part because of the victim-blaming actions of the trial court judge. Judge Phillip Brown, despite a Georgia rape shield law, compelled Ross to disclose every person she had ever dated, or engaged in any sexual activity with, including their names, dates of interaction, and contact information. This evidence was supposedly to show “consent;” the actual purpose was to humiliate the victim and discourage her and other victims from pursuing these cases. Under Georgia state law, and federal law, a victim’s sexual history with third parties is supposed to be irrelevant. The result of this case is that any victim who brings a civil claim for sexual battery in Georgia must be prepared to discuss all of her previous sexual partners. The judge ultimately found Ross was not raped in part because, as all that testimony showed, she was not a virgin.

and it gets worse.

Five More

There is a “10 Things About Yourself” Thing going around, like the spring flu, and while I previously answered “Five Things You Don’t Know About Me,” I feel like I owe everyone another five now. So here goes:

6. I played flute from age 10 – 20. I probably still can, though I haven’t tried in a long time.

7. I am very very very fond of elephants. I think perhaps I was one in a previous life (if you believe in that sort of thing, which i don’t, except that it’s a handy explanation for why I have such a thing for elephants).

8. I have lived in only 4 apts in the entire 20 years I have lived in NYC, & three of them were in upper Manhattan. (The fourth is the apt I live in now, in Brooklyn.)

9. I have 20/15 vision.

and finally

10. the first short story I wrote, aged 9, was a bad knockoff of A Wrinkle in Time.

Interview Question

I am sick of being asked the interview question, “So why are you looking for part-time work? Why not full-time?” and answering, “I’m a writer. I work part-time so I have time to write” and having the interviewer look at me like a dog that’s been shown a card trick.

Prince Caspian Arrives Today

& I am going today, because I have to, because I did for The Lion, The Witch & the Wardrobe, and because I’m really really hoping that the water god looks as cool in the movie as he does in the trailer.

But Eddie Izzard as Reepicheep (well, his voice) should be entertaining, even if the Trufflehunter the Badger isn’t (though if he’s anything close to the Beavers, he’ll be fantastic).

They’re shooting Dawn Treader next, which is my favorite.