Go Giants!

I’m watching tonight with a fellow NYer and dedicated Giants fan, once again, of course, to stand in for my dad, who was a huge fan. So: GO GIANTS!

Of course no matter who wins, it will be a blue state victory, and an East Coast one, to boot.

The Beer Ad of Beer Ads

Even if this year’s Superbowl commercials suck, there’s always this incredibly offensive yet hilarious Guinness ad:

(If anyone knows where or when it was on TV, do let me know. Once again: a student sent me the link, & thanks to her for it.)

Happy Superbowl! Please don’t drink and drive.

Are You Ready for Some Sex Trafficking?

Because I live in Wisconsin where football – or at least Packers – is a state religion, I’ve been poking around the edges of the thing because I don’t get it, and I’m absolutely sure it’s not because I mind beer, yelling, processed foods and funny hats. Beer + yelling + processed foods + funny hats are my idea of a good time, generally speaking.

I came across this sentence the other day. at change.org:

The trafficking of children for sale at the Super Bowl is well documented.

And I was honestly flabbergasted: not surprised, because where men with money gather, children are sold for sexual pleasure. Still, it’s sickening. So many people watch and play football because it’s fun — shoot, even I go to Super Bowl parties! What a way to mess up an otherwise (mostly) harmless sports event.

Continue reading “Are You Ready for Some Sex Trafficking?”

Superbowl Ad: The Sauna

We’ve come a long way, baby. I am very very sure I’ve never been turned on by a Superbowl commercial before, but goddamn. And yet: it’s funny, too, and not homophobic, either. Well done.